
Welcome to my gallery of art.

I enjoy painting a variety of subjects, and am always looking for inspiration. My true passion is horses, followed closely by creative spirit and science – both of which I love to mix into my art.

Please take a moment to have a look around.

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Caution – Wet paint

So… I thought I would share what I am working on at the moment.

These are all the paintings I am working through, and I am loving having so much variety to switch between. I certainly have something for every mood!

If you are a budding artist, I’d love to hear from you and have you share your work. With me quietly experimenting with how my concept inspire + share + create is going to work, I figure it’s never too early to start networking! 🙂

Isn’t it interesting how they go through phases… and some of them are super ugly. Usually when they get to the horribly ugly phase, I get itchy fingers and just want to finish it… It’s a good thing, in that aspect… because I know I will actually finish it.

~ Over and out

  1. Inspire + Share + Create Leave a reply
  2. The Blank Canvas. Leave a reply
  3. Inspire me. Inspire others. Leave a reply
  4. The return of the silent Leave a reply
  5. Original Artwork for sale! Leave a reply
  6. BLOG! Leave a reply